The best kind of toys for sugar gliders are ones that stimulate their mind and keep them excited, interested, and occupied! Some of my gliders favorite toys come from the bird aisle at my local Petco and Pet Smart. They love the foraging toys, which I hide little yogurt drops and dried fruit in for them to find. Plenty of branches and perches are great for them to jump from place to place. I also keep a little basket of silly toys in there that I usually get from the dollar store like rings, puzzles, bracelets, and whatever else I can find. There are also a few places that sell mini treasure chests that barely fit anything in them, but they are perfect for sticking a little treat in. Once your glider figures out how to open it, you will be amazed at how fast they do it the next time! People I know even buy toys that are made for toddlers and small children, which also happen to make great glider toys. Some great places to order toys are The Sugar Glider Superstore, Spoiled Rotten Suggies, and The Sugar Glider Store (I own almost everything from here!). Again, I know there are tons of websites out there that sell great products, I just know that these websites are great from my own experience. Comment and let me know about any others you know of! I like to have enough toys to switch them out about every 2 weeks. It keeps my gliders excited and stimulated. They are such smart animals!
Just remember to make sure that whatever kind of toys you buy your glider that it is safe for them to have!
There are plenty of kinds of wheels out there, but you have to make sure you buy one that is made specifically safe for gliders or animals with long tails. Honestly, I bought a few different wheels before I found one I really liked. I am sure there are others out there that are just as good that I did not get a chance to try out yet, but so far my favorite is the Raptor Wheel. I love that you can choose to have a side mount or a stand and you can pick custom sizes and colors! I also like it because it has a netting that feces can fall through, because my little guys love to do their business in their wheel (I have no idea why!). You can also get the wheel with inserts to trim their nails, which is a life savor for me. It is also silent... which is a great plus! All around, I think it is a great wheel and is made well too.
One more product I would love to talk about today is from
The Suggie Walk About Bag is amazing for us women. It is worth every penny. Not only is it really well made, and you can choose the fabric, my gliders love it! It makes my life so much easier. I call it my diaper bag. I can not only carry them around while they are nice and comfy in their pouch, I can also hold everything else I need for a day out. There are other bags and bonding pouches I have not ordered yet, but I am sure they are just as amazing. This website also sells exercise wheels very similar to the Raptor Wheel, I haven't tried it, but I assume it is probably good too. The wheel cozy on their website was also a great idea that works well.

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